Tuesday, November 29, 2016

Critical Lens Brainstorming


  • Announcements
  • What is a critical lens?
  • Part 1: Brainstorming
  • Complete brainstorming worksheet for tomorrow
  • 12/6 MLA revisions due
  • 12/12 Apostrophe retake due

Monday, November 28, 2016

Apostrophes and Allusions


  • Review of apostrophe test
  • Allusion chart return
  • Sample allusion writing
  • Allusion paragraphs (submit to classroom)
  • Complete allusion paragraphs for tomorrow!

Tuesday, November 22, 2016

Allusion Review


  • Dashes and Parentheses Review
  • Allusion and direct reference finding: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07knofnYj8c&t=151s

  • None unless you need to catch up!

Monday, November 21, 2016

Grammar: Dashes and Hyphens


  • Vocab warm-up
  • Grammar: Dashes and Hyphens
  • Exercise 8
  • Make sure that your 4-square is completed
  • Finish the grammar eercise

Wednesday, November 16, 2016

For Friday: Caricature Workshop


  • Continue working on caricature assignment
  • You should edit your paragraph based on feedback
  • You should complete your final, colored drawing

  • Final caricature and paragraph due Monday

For Thursday: Apostrophe Test


  • Test
  • Complete Station Activity
  • You should have completed at least 5 out of the 7 stations and hand them in before the end of class

Allusion Stations


  • Review allusion v. direct reference
  • Station Activity
  • Review for tomorrow's apostrophe quiz
  • Read hyphens in the blue book (it comes after the section on apostrophes)

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Allusion v. Direct Reference


  • Exercise 3 + 4 Practice and Review
  • Allusion Intro: http://study.com/academy/lesson/allusion-in-literature-definition-examples.html
  • Allusion v. Direct Reference Handout + Practice

  • Exercise 5 + Review Exercise A in blue book
  • Study for Thursday's apostrophe test

Allusion Station Links

Links for Stations 2 and 5

Station #2--https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PhquT35KvUc  

Station #5--https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0d5eP0wWLQY

Monday, November 14, 2016

Apostrophe Review


  • Review exercises 1 & 2
  • Complete 4 Square

  • Finish any remaining squares of the activity
  • Study for Thursday's apostrophe quiz

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Four Square


  • Intro Questions/discussion
  • Four-Square Activity
  • Finish reading the text and add to your Venn Diagram in another color

Four-Square Activity

Four-Square Analysis ABC

In your group, follow the following steps.  You all should be helping one another and planning the project together, but I would suggest that each person be in charge of one section of the project.

  1. Share your answers from the verbal questions together.
  2. Divide your chart paper into four sections.
  3. In the top left square, you will be creating a word cloud.  If you do not know what a word cloud is, Google it.  Look at Wordle.  Your word cloud should be representative of words and terms that you see repeated a lot in the graphic novel and that you believe are important to the graphic novel.
  4. Write a theme for American Born Chinese.  Write it big in the top right square.  In smaller print, include one quote from each of the three main characters.  Each of these quotes should help to best illustrate your theme.
  5. In the bottom left square, you will be creating a drawing of Jin.  This should be a symbolic drawing based on how he is characterized.  Include a setting and accessories.  Be sure to label at least five components of your drawing that you included because they make Jin who he is.
  6. In the bottom right corner, you are going to be writing a paragraph of six to eight sentences.  This paragraph should compare Yang's American Born Chinese and Cisneros' The House on Mango Street.  Some questions to consider: Did they deal with similar themes?  In the same ways?  Was each effective?  Remember to follow the rules of good paragraph writing--topic sentence, supporting details, proofreading, etc.

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

Review Day


  • Review apostrophes and hyphens in diagnostic test
  • Read to p. 198
    • Answer Questions
    • Continue GN notes making sure to use vocabulary from the packet
  • Finish reading American Born Chinese for Monday
  • Add to Venn Diagram in a different color ink

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Grammar: Apostrophes


  • Diagnostic Test
    • Vocab site while others finish
  • Read pp. 610-612 in blue book
  • Exercises 1 & 2
  • Complete exercises 1 & 2

Monday, November 7, 2016

Goals Revisited


  • Collect MLA handout
  • Discussion of homework completion
  • Goals worksheet

  • Make sure you are caught up
  • Last day to retake test 11/10

Friday, November 4, 2016

MLA Review


  • Review practice packet
  • MLA summative works cited page
  • Finish MLA WS for Monday

Grade Reports


  • Create new proficiency chart
  • Review grades
  • Make sure that you are caught up

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Caricature v. Stereotype


  • Setting up folders
  • Caricature v. stereotype project
  • Project packet w/ draft and final summative paragraph due Friday
  • HOM test retake due 11/10 (You have to attend a review session before you may retake it)
  • Read to p. 163 for Thursday and add to Venn Diagram

Caricature v. Stereotype Directions

Ms. Hoffmann
English 10

Caricature and Stereotype

Review: Use your notes from class to help you answer the following questions.  You also may use a basic Google search for clarification.

  1. What is a stereotype?

  1. What is caricature?

  1. What is the difference between the two?

Analyze: Look back at the Chin-Kee section that you read.
  1. How is Chin-Kee based on stereotypes?  Which stereotypes?

  1. Could Chin-Kee be considered a caricature?  In what ways?

  1. In a well-developed paragraph (6-8 sentences), explain how Yang’s use of stereotype and/or caricature contributes to his message.  (You will need to identify the theme or message first. Then you will need to think about how stereotype and/or caricature help to get it across.  If one or both were not used, would anything be lacking?)

Create: Now it is your turn.  You will be creating a caricature or a brief cartoon using stereotypes to help get across a serious message.

  1. Do you want to use caricature or stereotype?  ___________________________________

  1. Choose your focus:
    1. If you are looking at discussing stereotypes, you may want to pick one of the following topics:
      1. bullying
      2. discrimination
      3. the debate over violence in video games
      4. beauty standards and the media
      5. the debate over what technology is doing to youth
    2. If you are focusing on caricature, you will want to consider someone to create a caricature of.  (You may not copy another artist’s caricature from the web.)
      1. a political candidate
      2. a movie star
      3. a singer

  1. What do you want to say about your focus?  What is your audience’s takeaway message?

Flip over------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
  1. Think about how you can use caricature or stereotype.  If you are using caricature, what will you exaggerate?  Why?  If you are using stereotypes, which will you depict?  Why?

  1. Complete a draft on a separate blank sheet of paper.  This draft should make use of color and be as refined as possible to get appropriate feedback for the final version.