Friday, November 6, 2015

Critical Lens Outline

Ms. Hoffmann
English 10

Crafting Your Response

Part 1--Working on your introduction

  1. What is the theme of the quote?  I know it is only a quote, but what is the theme?  


  1. Refer to the quote.

  1. Do you believe the quote to be true?  Explain without using I, me, or my in one or two sentences.



  1. What are the titles of the two texts, and how do they exemplify the quote (you should refer to literary devices here--theme, characterization, etc.)?



You now have all of the sentences that you need for the introduction in a good order.  You need to copy them into your final document.  You then need to read through them and add transitions where appropriate.  Just pasting all of the sentences above together without some editing will not receive full credit.

Part 2--Working on your body paragraphs

Paragraph 1--

  1. What is one  literary device that you mentioned?  ________________________________

  1. How does The House on Mango Street use this device in a way that illustrates the critical lens?

  1. Find at least one quote that backs up what you are saying.  Remember to write down the page number for the MLA citation.

  1. Do the same thing here for a backup quote.

Paragraph 2--

  1. What is the  literary device that you mentioned in the last paragraph?  ________________________________

  1. How does American Born Chinese use this device in a way that illustrates the critical lens?

  1. Find at least one quote that backs up what you are saying.  Remember to write down the page number for the MLA citation.

  1. Do the same thing here for a backup quote.
Paragraph 3--

  1. What is the other  literary device that you mentioned?  ________________________________

  1. How does The House on Mango Street use this device in a way that illustrates the critical lens?

  1. Find at least one quote that backs up what you are saying.  Remember to write down the page number for the MLA citation.

  1. Do the same thing here for a backup quote.

Paragraph 4--

  1. What is the  literary device that you mentioned in the last paragraph?  ________________________________

  1. How does American Born Chinese use this device in a way that illustrates the critical lens?

  1. Find at least one quote that backs up what you are saying.  Remember to write down the page number for the MLA citation.

  1. Do the same thing here for a backup quote.

Part 3--Writing your conclusion

  1. What were your main points?

  1. Can you relate them back to the quote or to life in general in a way to get your reader thinking?  How?

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