Friday, December 18, 2015

Poetry Out Loud Selections


  • Kobe Bryant's retirement poem:
  • Selecting a peom

  • Honors essay due upon return
  • Complete final section of O Pioneers! and reading section

Thursday, December 17, 2015

Tracing the Mulberries in Part IV


  • Questions on quotes from the second half of part 4
  • Discussion of themes and the motifs we discussed yesterday
  • Time to work on Cather letters
  • Letters due tomorrow (there will be no further extension of this deadline)
  • Finish the book and reading questions by the day we return from break
  • Honors paper now due after break

Wednesday, December 16, 2015



  • What is a motif? 
    • Watch the video:
  • Create a list of motifs that you have seen in a book or a TV series that you have watched.
  • Create a list of motifs that you have seen in O Pioneers!
  • Reading: "Pyramis and Thisbe" myth reading
    • Why does Cather use the mulberry allusion to refer to this text?
    • What do you think will happen in the text?
  • Finish reading part IV w/ reading questions

Tuesday, December 15, 2015

Vocab Quiz 2


  • Vocab Quiz
  • Continue working on Cather letters


  • Read part 4 chapters 1-4 and complete questions
  • Honors paper will be due Friday or before you leave for break, whichever comes first

Bingo Vocab Review

Bingo Vocab Review

Homework: Study for tomorrow's quiz

Friday, December 11, 2015

Goal Setting and Vocab Review


  • Look through your folders and IC grades.  Answer the following questions based on them:
    • Did you meet your English 10 goal?
    • Why do you think you did or didn't?  (Think about the steps that you wanted to take to achieve your goal that you outlined at the very beginning of the year.)
    • Write a new goal specifically for the end of Q2.  (It may not be what you want to achieve overall, but it should be something that you realistically can achieve in the few weeks we will have after returning from break.)
  • Vocab Review Sheet

  • Part 3 reading due Monday (complete reading questions to go along with it)
  • Vocab Quiz Tuesday, STUDY-->Vocab review chart also due Tuesday

Thursday, December 10, 2015

Cather's Perspective


  • Begin sections 3 and 4 of packet with others who read the same passage as you
  • Be prepared to finish part 4 with your group within 10-15 minutes of class time tomorrow
  • Study vocab list
  • Part 3 reading will be due on Monday

Close Reading of Sample Passages


  • Review
  • Sample Passage--Analysis based on Cather's criteria
  • Finish Part 2 of the class packet
  • Study vocab terms (first 13 from SAT crossword 2)
  • Be prepared to finish Part 3 for Friday's class

Tuesday, December 8, 2015

The Novel Demeuble: Style Intro


  • Discuss Cather's article
  • Analysis: Cather v. Charlotte Bronte

  • Nothing new; study your first 13 vocab lists from list 2

Monday, December 7, 2015

The Novel Demeuble


  • SAT Crossword #2
  • Read Cather's article on "The Novel Demeuble" and answer the worksheet questions
  • Finish worksheet from class
  • Be sure you have finished the crossword puzzle
  • You will be handing in the reading questions from the weekend on Tuesday

Friday, December 4, 2015

SAT Vocab Quiz I


  • SAT Vocab Quiz I
  • Reading Questions
  • Complete reading questions for chapters 10-12 of part 2

Tuesday, December 1, 2015

City v. Country Continued


  • Continue discussion
  • Begin work on chapter questions
  • Study for Friday's vocab quiz: adamant, adversity, affable, allay, aloof, altruistic, animosity, ardent, arrogant, austere, banal, baneful, berate, brevity, circumlocution, compliant
  • Read 8 + 9, answer reading questions

Monday, November 30, 2015

City or Country Living


  • Check SAT puzzle
  • Warm-up Journal: What more did we learn about our character's attitude towards the land?  What more did we learn about attitudes toward country living?
  • Guardian Article
  • Agree/Disagree Lines

  • Begin studying first sixteen words of vocab
  • Read 6 + 7 with reading questions

Monday, November 23, 2015

O Pioneers! Themes: Land


  • Wrap up Whitman Poem analysis
  • Begin Jigsaw Activity on the land

  • Read chapters 4 + 5
  • Complete reading questions
  • Honors: Part 2 of your assignment is due tomorrow

Friday, November 20, 2015

Quote Planking Problems


  • What is wrong with this? Journal on provided quote
  • Examples of how to introduce a quote well
  • Practice handout with NEWSELA article
  • Finish NEWSELA worksheet
  • Make sure you have read 2-3 and have completed the reading questions
  • Final drafts of paper due Monday

Subject Verb Agreement Quiz


  • SV Quiz
  • Continue working on Whitman Poem
  • Read ch 2-3 and finish reading questions
  • Papers due Monday

Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Peer Review Day


  • Peer Review using questions and provided rubric
  • Edit your paper using the peer review questions answered about your writing

  • Study for tomorrow
  • Ch 2-3 questions of O Pioneers! due on Friday
  • Essays due Monday

Pioneers! O Pioneers!


    • Complete online chart with your partner

  • Finish draft of critical lens for tomorrow's peer review
  • Read chapters 2 + 3 with chapter questions completed for Friday
  • Study for subject-verb test on Thursday

Monday, November 16, 2015

Subject-Verb Agreement Review


  • Review exercises 7-13
  • Looking at pronoun-antecedent agreement
  • Exercise 14
  • Make sure the work for O' Pioneers! is completed
  • Continue working on essay assignment

O Pioneers Pre-Reading


  • Activity for O' Pioneers!
  • Begin reading chapter 1 and answering the questions

  • Finish Chapter 1 reading and answers for Monday
  • Complete exercises 7-13 for Monday

Friday, November 6, 2015

Critical Lens Outline

Ms. Hoffmann
English 10

Crafting Your Response

Part 1--Working on your introduction

  1. What is the theme of the quote?  I know it is only a quote, but what is the theme?  


  1. Refer to the quote.

  1. Do you believe the quote to be true?  Explain without using I, me, or my in one or two sentences.



  1. What are the titles of the two texts, and how do they exemplify the quote (you should refer to literary devices here--theme, characterization, etc.)?



You now have all of the sentences that you need for the introduction in a good order.  You need to copy them into your final document.  You then need to read through them and add transitions where appropriate.  Just pasting all of the sentences above together without some editing will not receive full credit.

Part 2--Working on your body paragraphs

Paragraph 1--

  1. What is one  literary device that you mentioned?  ________________________________

  1. How does The House on Mango Street use this device in a way that illustrates the critical lens?

  1. Find at least one quote that backs up what you are saying.  Remember to write down the page number for the MLA citation.

  1. Do the same thing here for a backup quote.

Paragraph 2--

  1. What is the  literary device that you mentioned in the last paragraph?  ________________________________

  1. How does American Born Chinese use this device in a way that illustrates the critical lens?

  1. Find at least one quote that backs up what you are saying.  Remember to write down the page number for the MLA citation.

  1. Do the same thing here for a backup quote.
Paragraph 3--

  1. What is the other  literary device that you mentioned?  ________________________________

  1. How does The House on Mango Street use this device in a way that illustrates the critical lens?

  1. Find at least one quote that backs up what you are saying.  Remember to write down the page number for the MLA citation.

  1. Do the same thing here for a backup quote.

Paragraph 4--

  1. What is the  literary device that you mentioned in the last paragraph?  ________________________________

  1. How does American Born Chinese use this device in a way that illustrates the critical lens?

  1. Find at least one quote that backs up what you are saying.  Remember to write down the page number for the MLA citation.

  1. Do the same thing here for a backup quote.

Part 3--Writing your conclusion

  1. What were your main points?

  1. Can you relate them back to the quote or to life in general in a way to get your reader thinking?  How?

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Critical Lens Essay Directions

Ms. Hoffmann
English 10
Critical Lens Essay Assignment
Your Task: Write a critical essay of two to three pages in which you discuss two works from the perspective of the critical lens quote.  In your essay, provide a valid interpretation of the quote, agree or disagree with it, and use examples from the two works to support your response.  The two works that you will be discussing already have been chosen for you.  They are The House on Mango Street and American Born Chinese.  

Critical Lens: “Maybe it's wrong-footed trying to fit people into the world, rather than trying to make the world a better place for people.” ― Paul McHugh, in The New Yorker


  • Provide a valid interpretation of the critical lens that clearly establishes the criteria for analysis.  (You should be able to do this within the introduction of your paper.)
  • Indicate whether you agree or disagree with the statement as you have interpreted it without writing I, me, or my.
  • Make sure you are using specific examples from both The House on Mango Street and American Born Chinese.
  • Use the criteria suggested by the critical lens to analyze the works.
  • Avoid plot summary. Instead, use specific references to appropriate literary elements (for example: theme, characterization, setting, point of view) to develop your analysis.
    • I already know what happens in each of the texts.  You do not need to tell me.
    • Use quotes where appropriate.  Introduce said quotes.
  • Organize your ideas in a unified and coherent manner.  
    • Make sure that your thesis is at the end of your introduction and that you are writing topic sentences for each of you paragraphs.
    • Use transitions where appropriate.
  • Follow the conventions of Standard, written English.  
  • Include MLA in-text citations as well as a works cited.
Due: Nov. 12th

The House on Mango Street Link --e-text

Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Final Caricature/Stereotype Cartoons


You should have received some feedback on your original drawing.  Please use this feedback in order to create your final drawing draft.  The final draft should be on a new piece of computer paper or poster board.  It should make use of the feedback as well as color, line, etc. as we have seen in our sample graphic novels.  The final draft is due this coming Friday.

Tuesday, November 3, 2015

MLA Review Con't.


  • Apostrophe warm-up assignment
  • Review test
  • MLA review con't
  • Complete the back of the MLA worksheet

Monday, November 2, 2015

MLA Review


  • Discussion of MLA
  • A Look at the Purdue OWL
  • Samples from worksheet
  • Finish the front of the MLA worksheet

Friday, October 30, 2015

Apostrophes Test


  • None

Thursday, October 29, 2015

ABC Stations Day II


  • Warm up regarding apostrophes
  • ABC Stations (Make sure you have at least 4 stations completed)

  • Study for tomorrow's quiz

Wednesday, October 28, 2015

ABC Allusion Stations


  • Correcting Exercise #3
  • ABC Allusion Stations + Chart
  • Study for quiz (now on Friday)
  • Complete corrections if you did not in class

Allusion v. Direct Reference


  • Review contractions (if you are struggling to write these correctly, please refer to the review exercise following exercise 4 in the blue grammar book)
  • Notes: allusion v. direct reference
  • Worksheet
  • Study for tomorrow's quiz

Monday, October 26, 2015

Links for Stations 2 and 5

Station #2--  

Station #5--

Review Mechanics: Apostrophes


  • Review homework exercises
  • Exercise #3 from grammar book
  • Finished early?  Continue to work on caricature assignment.  (Final due Friday)
  • Finish Exercise #3
  • Complete Caricature Draft and worksheet for tomorrow

Friday, October 23, 2015

Revisiting Goals


  • Finish 4-Square Activity
  • Review goals
    • Goal Journal:
      • Did you achieve your goal?  If yes, what worked for you, and what new goals might you write for yourself?  If no, what do you need to work on to better reach your goal?
  • Make sure you have finished the graphic novel
  • Check missing work

Thursday, October 22, 2015

Four Square Assignment


  • Warm-up questions
  • 4-square assignment
  • Finish the graphic novel

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Four-Square Analysis ABC

In your group, follow the following steps.  You all should be helping one another and planning the project together, but I would suggest that each person be in charge of one section of the project.

  1. Share your answers from the verbal questions together.
  2. Divide your chart paper into four sections.
  3. In the top left square, you will be creating a word cloud.  If you do not know what a word cloud is, Google it.  Look at Wordle.  Your word cloud should be representative of words and terms that you see repeated a lot in the graphic novel and that you believe are important to the graphic novel.
  4. Write a theme for American Born Chinese.  Write it big in the top right square.  In smaller print, include one quote from each of the three main characters.  Each of these quotes should help to best illustrate your theme.
  5. In the bottom left square, you will be creating a drawing of Jin.  This should be a symbolic drawing based on how he is characterized.  Include a setting and accessories.  Be sure to label at least five components of your drawing that you included because they make Jin who he is.
  6. In the bottom right corner, you are going to be writing a paragraph of six to eight sentences.  This paragraph should compare Yang's American Born Chinese and Cisneros' The House on Mango Street.  Some questions to consider: Did they deal with similar themes?  In the same ways?  Was each effective?  Remember to follow the rules of good paragraph writing--topic sentence, supporting details, proofreading, etc.

Mechanics and Graphic Novel Reading Questions


  • Diagnostic Text
  • Book Sign-Out
  • Graphic Novel Questions
  • Reading 610-612
  • Exercise #1
  • Finish exercise #1 and #2 in the blue book
  • Complete the ABC graphic novel questions in the previous post

ABC Discussion Questions


1. Why has Lai-Tsao found favor with Tze-Yo-Tzuh? (pg. 139)
2. What does Lai-Tsao mean when he talks to the Monkey King in panel #4? (pg. 145)
3. Why does The Monkey King choose to release himself and follow Lai-Tsao?
4. How do the two voices get represented on this page? To whom do they belong? How do they relate to each other? (p. 163)
5. The author shows kids laughing while Wei-Chen is taking to Amelia. What does the juxtaposition of this panel with the other panels on the page do for the reader? (pg. 175 panel #) 6. How does the author emphasize Jin's emotions? What other examples have you noticed from throughout the book? (pg. 180 - 183)
7. Why does Suzy say she feels embarrassed all of the time? Why do you think Jin kisses Suzy? (pg. 187)
8. Why does Jin reject Wei-Chen? What might be going on with Jin, from a psychological point of view? (pg. 191)
9. What is the significance of the dream? Make sure you look at all the illustrations carefully and study them for subtle meaning. (pg.s 193 - 194)
10. What has happened here? What was your own emotional/psychological reaction to this moment? (pg. 198

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Test Anlysis


  • Complete test analysis
  • Reading time if finish early
  • Complete test analysis for Friday if you are still working on it
  • Read from 163-198, continue to add to your Venn Diagrams per my feedback

Monday, October 19, 2015

Caricature v. Stereotype

Ms. Hoffmann
English 10

Caricature and Stereotype

Review: Use your notes from class to help you answer the following questions.  You also may use a basic Google search for clarification.

  1. What is a stereotype?

  1. What is caricature?

  1. What is the difference between the two?

Analyze: Look back at the Chin-Kee section that you read.
  1. How is Chin-Kee based on stereotypes?  Which stereotypes?

  1. Could Chin-Kee be considered a caricature?  In what ways?

  1. In a well-developed paragraph (6-8 sentences), explain how Yang’s use of stereotype and/or caricature contributes to his message.  (You will need to identify the theme or message first. Then you will need to think about how stereotype and/or caricature help to get it across.  If one or both were not used, would anything be lacking?)

Create: Now it is your turn.  You will be creating a caricature or a brief cartoon using stereotypes to help get across a serious message.

  1. Do you want to use caricature or stereotype?  ___________________________________

  1. Choose your focus:
    1. If you are looking at discussing stereotypes, you may want to pick one of the following topics:
      1. bullying
      2. discrimination
      3. the debate over violence in video games
      4. beauty standards and the media
      5. the debate over what technology is doing to youth
    2. If you are focusing on caricature, you will want to consider someone to create a caricature of.  (You may not copy another artist’s caricature from the web.)
      1. a political candidate
      2. a movie star
      3. a singer

  1. What do you want to say about your focus?  What is your audience’s takeaway message?

Flip over------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------->
  1. Think about how you can use caricature or stereotype.  If you are using caricature, what will you exaggerate?  Why?  If you are using stereotypes, which will you depict?  Why?

  1. Complete a draft on a separate blank sheet of paper.  This draft should make use of color and be as refined as possible to get appropriate feedback for the final version.

Visual Commentary


  • Caricature v. stereotype
  • Discussion of political cartoon
  • In-class worksheet--analyzing and creating 
  • Read through p. 160 of American Born Chinese
  • Add to Venn Diagram

Wednesday, October 14, 2015


No class today.  Be sure to read through p. 106 and to update your Venn Diagram.

Tuesday, October 13, 2015



  • Discuss structure of novel-->parallels and comparisons
  • Fill out Venn Diagram with section 2 reading
  • Complete Chinese political cartoon worksheet
  • Finish political cartoon worksheet
  • Read through p. 106 and continue to fill out the Venn Diagram

Monday, October 12, 2015

The Visual and Themes


  • Journal:
    • How far do people go to fit in?
    • Compared to "most people," how far does Esperanza go to fit in?
  • After viewing Rush's "Subdivisions" as a class, answer the following questions.  Please refer to both the lyrics and the video.

  1. What is the artist saying?
  2. Do you agree or disagree with the artist?
  3. Do you see these issues at play in our school?
  4. How does the visual medium of the music video help to convey meaning?
  5. Is the song outdated?
  6. What might you talk about if you were to rewrite the song today?
  7. What issues do you think the Chinese American author Gene Yang might discuss in his novel?
  • Read section one (through p. 20) of American Born Chinese
  • Read "The Monkey King" handout.  Answer the three questions on the back of the handout

Friday, October 9, 2015

Graphic Novel Vocab and MLA Review


  • Garage Band reading + labeling with vocab
    • Panel types (content and story type)
    • Gutters (think about transitions to help you)
    • Types of Balloons
    • Overall considerations:
      • color
      • line
      • aesthetic 
  • MLA documenting sources hw review
  • Review of Purdue OWL's MLA site:
  • Finish the MLA sheet using the Purdue OWL page

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Paper Reviews


  • Review graphic novel journal homework
  • How to read your paper grades
    • Components
    • Paper and Google Doc
  • Review of MLA
  • Read the MLA packet
  • Complete the exercises within it

Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Intro to Graphic Novels Continued


  • Vocab Sheet
  • Practice Discussion of Sample Comics

Journal Options—Choose an option below.  Complete a half-page journal in which you discuss what the option asks of you.
Option 1: Complete a journal entry in which you describe what happens in a couple of pages of a graphic novel or in a complete comic strip.  You must use the vocabulary from the handout in your explanation.
Option 2: (Honors) Complete a journal entry in which you compare a modern comic strip or graphic novel with what is known as the world’s first graphic novel: Joseph Franz von Goez’s Leonardo und Blandine (1783).  Ignore the fact that you do not understand the language it’s written in.  You do not need to, to explain what it looks like, and how it compares, etc.

Monday, October 5, 2015

What is a graphic novel?


  • Stationary Talk: Questions to think about graphic novels
  • Podcast:
  • Complete guided notes
  • None for tonight.  Stay tuned for tomorrow.