- Class announcements
- Review notes and worksheet
- Worksheet #2
- Test tomorrow!
- Final name vignettes due tomorrow!
- Extra credit due tomorrow!
Discuss the following with your parent or guardian
10 Reading Notification
Dear English 10 Parents and Guardians,
To follow up our reading of The House on Mango Street, your student is scheduled to read American Born Chinese beginning next
week (10/5). American Born Chinese is an award-winning
graphic novel that accounts cross-cultural experiences. More information on the text and its contents
are available on Amazon: http://www.amazon.com/American-Born-Chinese-Gene-Luen/dp/0312384483/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1443540132&sr=8-1&keywords=american+born+chinese.
Born Chinese is a useful text to continue to build upon
the themes discussed in The House on
Mango Street. It is a text that had
been used for such in English 10 classes in the past. However, it does contain a handful of
instances of the use of mild language (PG if we are thinking in movie terms)
and irreverent humor. Its publisher
labels it as appropriate for students 12-18, but I would like to make you all
aware of these contents. Overall, I
would agree with the 12-18 year-old rating given that these instances are few
and far between. If you have any questions
regarding the text, you may contact me via e-mail (Jennifer.hoffmann@rcsu.org)
or phone (802-459-3353 ext. 2125).
Should you not
want your student reading the text after examining its description, please fill
out the form below. Be aware that if a
student is opted out, it is expected that he or she will complete alternate
assignments to show understanding of the same skills that the other students
are covering through the American Born
Chinese unit. These assignments may
include continuing to participate in class discussions based on the alternative
Born Chinese Opt-Out Form
I do NOT want my student
(Student’s name)
to participate in a reading of American Born Chinese. I
agree to my student’s participation in class via alternative assignments.
(Parent/Guardian Signature)